Wednesday, January 20, 2010

oh so quiet

in case you were curious...
i'm still mesmerized with the world beyond...the great deep universe. i'm dreaming up a mobile of the planets to hang in my house. and of a quilt...Teen? will you help?

aaaand i might be equivocally into this beast of a song. "shhhhhhh."


Maggie said...

Sometimes I listen to just that scream on repeat for 10 minutes when I want to remember what riding Space Mountain with you is like.

Unknown said...

have you seen google mars? or google sky? AMAZING. Jane, whether it's galactic prints or galactic maps, you always bring out the astronomer in me. Try this next time you're in a starry mood: Clash of the Titans (the original, 60's version), followed by some star gazing. That was a sure way to get 8-yr-old gard excited. Finish it up with a paper airplane flying contest, and you're in heaven!