Thursday, January 29, 2009

Everything Else

images from

This girl. The blog you're looking at. The one who's typing this right now is jobless. Unemployed. And not enjoying it. She trys everyday to find a reasonable job. One that pays enough. One that will make me feel a little more adult, a little like a college grad, a little less temp job. I have the need for creativity, I dream for a job where I can be creative, passionite. I wish that I could get payed for music research. Now that would be idealic. But alas, I need to be realistic. I studyed education, something I am passionite about and frivously searching out an education career that I will be proud of.

What I am going to blog about today is Everything Else that I'm thinking about besides job hunting. Cause that's not interesting.

1. I've previously expressed my LOVE LOVE LOVE for This American Life. Today my friend introduced me to Radio Lab. A similar radio show that picks a topic but address it from all different angles. Whereas This American Life picks a topic and has segments addressing/story telling etc. on that topic. Today I listened to my first Radio Lab episode: Laughter. Which reminded me of one of my favorite This American Life episodes where Ira Glass (the host) laughs uncontrollably. I could listen to it over and over and never get sick of it. It is so addicting to hear someone laugh and not be able to contain it. It's joyous! Speaking of Ira Glass and joyousness. How can I get myself a job working for Ira Glass? I'll shine his shoes, clean his glasses, de-lint his long as I can work for him. Okay...I said this post wouldn't be about job hunting.

2. Maggie is coming to Salt Lake today!!!!! That's right! My roommate is finally making the trip from Illinois to Utah to live with us. Have I told you how funny, and smart, and beautiful she is?

3. Taking my second to last Photoshop 101 class tonight. I'm learning lots and realizing how much more I need and want to learn.

image from freckle farm

4. Getting back to Etsy! Teen and I have been in transition and we are finally getting all our craft-ditties organized. Thinking about chains and mushrooms. Not together.

5. Superbowl food and how much I love guacamole.

6. Finding a recipe to match the delicousness of Trader Joes Fig Pizza


Livi said...

You are interesting, cool, smart and unique.

holli h. said...

Jane I want to know. Are there any good shows coming up round these parts. It seems like all the good bands toured through Utah during the Fall. But if you know of anything good comin up, let me know. This girl has got winter-style cabin fever and is craving some live music. Plus, it would be cool to see you guys once in awhile!

Maggie said...

Words...don't...suffice... but I might be keeping you awake right now by blog stalking you when we're sleeping in the same room so I'll just leave it at I love you.

H C M said...

Jane, I tried the fig pizza again adding a little honey and a little cranberry sauce to the figs and onions, and a little cottage cheese to the goat's cheese to make it a bit more moist (love that word). Anywhoo, it was better but still not AWESOME. The search continues. I do love the flavors of the figs and caramalized red onions with a little fennel and thyme. Oh, and tell Maggie welcome! Love that gurrl.

Meagan @ Meagan Tells All said...

Great Blog!

I am so sorry you are job less. Just keep plowing through...something always turns up. We applied at taco bell and I knew I hit an ultimate low.

When are you coming to Rexburg!??? Please!???

Oh, and I'm still in need of some earrings. I'll be ordering soon :-) Love you!