Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

me and annie
bitty and blake
stacie, whitney, denney
brooks and me
egan, courntey, me
ysa halloween
costumes to note: dorthy, ballerina, twiggy, boy dorthy, wonder women, school girl, cramer, jem, gyspy, ninja, mr. rogers, and christian (it was his birthday, we won't judge him for not dressing up)

Salt Lake City, UT

Parties started Friday night and went straight through Monday. Which means, when the actual day of Halloween arrived most YSA's* were a little spent.
I think my favorite costumes were the one's that were last minute inspirations.
Why is picking a Halloween costume the hardest?
I settled on G.I. Jane, which may seem like a given/fall back costume for me. But I'm a first timer for it.
Let's play dress-up more often.

*"YSA" can't not laugh


Kristine said...

good call.. why haven't you been GIJane before? and excellent halloween documentation.

egans frog might be the winner!!!

s.s. bazodi said...

ahhh Halloween isn't the same without you girls!

Alyse Bitty Hair said...

I loved every second of Friday through Monday with you.