Monday, May 3, 2010

bullet points

I'm really excited about sprouting. I've been wanting to do my own sprouting for a month or so now and my mom gave me some sprouting lids and a wide mouthed bottle. We experimented with some and they are wonderful, nutritious, and easy. This picture is day 2 of the process. They are just beginning to sprout open.

Lunch can sometimes be my least favorite meal of the day---but never when it's made by my mom. See the sprouts on top? They were so perfect and tasty.

My Mom and I played tennis this morning. She's patient with a learner like me. I'm eager to play with anyone who wants to this summer. Let's plaaaaay!

Dallas Clayton is going to come and read to my class!!!! I'm so excited. He's going on tour and I emailed him inviting him to meet my awesome first graders and read to them. He said he would! May 27th. Count down. Hopefully it's not uncomfortable between us---I mean I did ask him to be my valentine on the www.
Would you like to aid in children's literacy? You should buy his book! For every book bought he gives one away. It really is an awesome book.

I'm having veggie chili tonight with my folks, perfect after a rainy rainy Seattle day.

And dearest Margaret Augusta, I can't wait to gallivant all over Seattle with you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

sprouting. cool

that lunch. yummmmm

dallas clayon. cooler

maggie and you in seattle. JEAL