Monday, March 4, 2013

February classroom '13

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photo 3
This art is a pain in the neck, but every year I forget and I do it again. They turn out so cool and it's a nice break form all the coloring they usually do for art. Once kids got it, I had them go around and help the less able ones. Pretty neat how they turnout though.
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photo 2
This was my little Valentine. I found the printable on the internet and had Egan change "friend" to "teacher." The confetti poppers were so cheap. Easy times.

I came back on track the 2nd week of February and all of a sudden it was Valentine's day. I love holidays as a teacher. It's fun with activities and art, and always plenty of things to do. I kinda hated this Valentine's day cause I didn't have the parent volunteers I needed and I really needed a mom to throw a party, so I just did glorified centers. It was too much work. I should have just let them pass out their Valentine's and eat a cookie. They would have been happy.
photo 4
Saw this post it on one of my students math homework and it made me giggle. "I love you Ms. Metcalf" Come on. Melt a teacher's heart.

photo 1
In other news... I got new glasses. I gave Warby Parker a try. Teen and I use snapchat app all the time and I sent her this, which is why there is a "9" in the corner. The picture text only shows for 10 seconds or less and then it disappears unless you take a screen shot.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Bring that heart chart home for our big blank wall.