Tuesday, December 20, 2011

teaching writing

I just taught a unit on fables to my first graders and had a lot of fun. I selected a handful of fables from the library and read them one a day. Everyday we reviewed and discussed what a fable is. "most often has animals as the characters and teaches a lesson"
With their help I filled out the chart after I read the story. It was a great way to discuss the lesson and go over what we had just read. I loved the lessons that were taught too! Important one's for first graders (anybody) to hear.

The writing assignment I gave them was to write about a time when they learned a lesson. The prompt was "I learned a lesson when________." I stressed that they needed a topic sentence, detail sentences, and a closure. It took a few days to finally complete this particular assignment, with rough drafts and then a final draft that we "published."

This little girl's lesson she wrote was so great I had to share.
I learned a lesson when I bought shoes. The shoes were purple and if you stomped your feet they would light up. I got in trouble because as soon as I got home I did not like them. I learned that I should get what I like best on me.

Good huh!!! For a first grader to think and write such a thoughtful lesson she learned! This is when I get so excited about teaching, because these students are capable of so much more then I expect.
And I die over her illustration. cool.


  1. This is adorable!!!! You are such a good teacher!

  2. i love this whole thing soo much. light up purple shoes.. haha. she liked them until she got home. soo funny.
    and the fable lessons are sweet!

  3. Love it! Lindsey should show you the journal entry Jordan wrote about a date with her Dad.
